this site is dedicated to the legacy of Michael Cuccione

Michael James Cuccione passed away on January 13, 2001. I feel like ever since I learned his story, I became a new
person, a better person. I now care of worldly issues and I understand death and how to deal with it. I learned from
Michael that you must be optimistic in times of grief, you must look at each day as though the sun will rise again but live
each day like it is your last. Another important thing I learned is that a person of any age, race, or gender can do
anything they set their minds to. Just from hearing his story, I have decided to go into medicine, so I can be in
a position to really find the cure, and maybe every child I help save can be inspired and inspire others. Inspiration
and creativity can be held accountable for everything. "Sometimes we must live through the darkness in order to
see the light, we must visualize."